
Comfort & Cleanliness

Spas have always had the purpose of comfort and cleanliness. Though, COVID specifically added to the growth of customers with people’s new need for spa services as well as the demand in cleanliness. With more clients and more time spent cleaning, it’s been hard for spas to keep up. However, with an easy installation of Violet Defense’s UV disinfection technology, spas can gain some time back and take the toll of cleaning off the staff.


uvc for spas

A variety of products means we can help clean any of your spaces

In spite of the risks, we have the power to help protect students and staff from these harmful germs with the power of ultraviolet light. Violet Defense has a line of products that can help disinfect classrooms, multipurpose rooms, bathrooms, athletic facilities, kitchens, and more to help kill up to 99.9% of SARS-CoV-2, MRSA, influenza and Norovirus that can threaten the health of your students and staff.

uvc for waiting rooms

Waiting rooms are hard to clean without degrading furniture and other objects through time. Our UV disinfection solution will disinfect without degradation.

Waiting Rooms

uvc for spa rooms

It’s as easy as turning on our UV disinfection technology between patients to sanitize not only the surfaces, but also the air within the room.

Spa Rooms

uvc for bathrooms

Many people are using the bathroom before their sessions- making it one of the highest contact places for pathogens. Bathrooms are also among the hardest spaces to clean- our UV disinfection technology is designed just for that.
